Anyone planning to get started with LED lighting faces an important choice. Reusing the old luminaires (this is called retrofitting), or buying a completely new LED luminaire. There is something to be said for both choices, but at the same time there are drawbacks.
The main reason for choosing to retrofit existing luminaires is the financial aspect, but ease of use and durability also play a significant role. Those who do opt for a new LED luminaire do so mainly because of compatibility issues and extending its lifetime.
Opting for retrofitting is both an affordable and efficient choice for business owners. With Deetronix retrofit LED modules, you can quickly save a lot of energy without having to buy expensive new luminaires on a large scale.
Wondering what the team at D-Lighted can do for your situation? Want to know more about the compatibility and suitability of your existing light fixtures? A D-Lighted consultant will be happy to talk to you. Ask us today (no obligation) about the possibilities and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a personal answer:
Retrofitting or new LED luminaires?
It is probably one of the most frequently asked questions when the option of reusing existing luminaires is raised: is it better to retrofit with LED modules, or is it more economical to switch to completely new LED luminaires.
As with so many things in life, the best choice is not straightforward. It mainly depends on your specific situation, needs and wishes. In doing so, it is wise to weigh the pros and cons of both choices.
In almost all situations, the investment in retrofitting existing luminaires is cheaper than buying new luminaires for LED lighting. In addition, you are already using the luminaires in your company, so it is a certainty that you are already familiar with them.
At D-Lighted, we can help you professionally replace the light source. We can remove the old, wasteful fluorescent lighting for you. For this, we replace highly energy-efficient, high-quality Deetronix retro LED modules. The lighting quality remains the same or improves noticeably, depending on your existing configuration.
When is retrofitting not appropriate?
To make the choice a little easier, the first thing to consider is when retrofitting existing luminaires will not be possible (or very difficult). In the following situations, it is better to consider investing in new, modern LED luminaires straight away:
- Obsolete: The light fittings you currently use may not be suitable for retrofitting because they have noticeable damage. Alternatively, they may simply be old and in need of renewal.
- Incompatible: Some luminaires are not made to work with LED lamps. Although not common, essential components may simply not be suitable for LED technology. For example, consider a situation where an old luminaire uses an HF ballast (high-frequency ballasts are not always directly suitable for retrofit modules). The fitting of the light source itself, for example the fluorescent tube, must also be suitable for the new LED fluorescent lamps. In some cases, we can help upgrade existing luminaires.
- Features: It is not always possible to use smart lighting functions on old luminaires. For example, consider using LED dimmers or a motion sensor. If you go for smart lighting, it is wise to check whether those functions you have chosen are suitable for the retrofitting process.
Advantages of LED retrofit modules
Do the previous possible obstacles not apply to your business? Then we have good news: you can get started with retrofit LED modules right away!
Reusing your current luminaires has some emphatic advantages. For our customers, the following advantages are decisive when choosing our Deetronix retro LED modules:
- Affordable: Compared to investing in new LED luminaires, retrofitting is a high-quality and affordable alternative. It saves on both the purchase of LED luminaires and installation costs.
- Energy-efficient: Compared to old fluorescent tube lighting, LED lighting can use up to 80% less energy, in some cases it will be even more efficient. This translates directly into savings on fixed costs. Your energy bill will be lower.
- Lighting quality: Old fluorescent tubes often suffer from flickering or buzzing. Sometimes the brightness is no longer sufficient. With our modern Deetronix LED modules, these problems disappear like snow in the sun.
- Lifetime: The lifetime of an old fluorescent tube is around 10,000 hours. In contrast, Deetronix LED can last up to 70,000 hours.
- Maintenance: LED lighting is very low-maintenance. After installation, nothing else needs to be done. Moreover, light sources need to be replaced less often due to their longer lifespan.
- Warranty: With the installation of Deetronix LED modules, you are entitled to a year-long warranty for the new light sources.
Quick installation, instant savings
Those who consciously choose to retrofit existing luminaires are going for affordability and ease of use. Installation of retrofit modules is relatively simple, as long as the luminaire is suitable for the fitting of the new LED lighting.
D-Lighted's installation team can help you quickly and professionally install the LED retrofit modules for you. In most cases, this can be done simply while your employees continue working on the shop floor. As a result, the impact of the installation will be minimal.
Immediately after commissioning the energy-efficient LED light sources, you will already notice the savings on energy bills. The overall payback time of lighting retrofitting is therefore remarkably low, especially when compared to completely replacing the luminaires with new lighting.
Meet Deetronix from D-Lighted
We hope the information in this overview has helped you further in choosing between retrofitting your lighting or opting for new LED luminaires. For business owners looking for the most economical, but also sustainable solution, retrofit LED modules are almost always the best choice.
In the end, however, it will mainly depend on your personal situation and preferences which LED configuration is most suitable for your business.
The team at D-Lighted is on hand on all working days to introduce you to the benefits of retrofitting. With our own brand, Deetronix, we guarantee a high-quality and highly economical LED lamp for your existing luminaires. Its extra-long lifespan, high light quality and low consumption costs make it a perfect choice for your business.
Curious about the possibilities? Then contact us directly and tell us all about your requirements. An employee will then get back to you personally as soon as possible: