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  4. Do your LED modules fit on Veko light lines?

Do your LED modules fit on Veko light lines?

Veko Lightsystems International BV, a leading player in the field of lighting, specialises in the development, production and assembly of aluminium (LED) line lighting. Veko's lighting systems are distinguished by their efficiency and durability, making them the ideal choice for various business premises.

Since 2018, Veko has been part of the Swedish group Fagerhult.

A remarkable feature of Veko's lighting systems is their durability and flexibility for renovations. The aluminium support profiles are retained, and only new (LED) luminaires are simply clicked in. This makes the lighting system like new again, without leaving any waste behind. The Deetronix light line module is fully compatible with Veko's light lines. We have a matching connector in our range but you can of course also reuse the existing connector.

Installation of the LED modules is extremely easy. Within 5 minutes per luminaire, an existing Veko light line can be converted to LED. See our installation page for more information on how to install the LED modules.

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