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  4. How much electricity can you save with LED line lighting? 

How much electricity can you save with LED line lighting? 

With the introduction of energy-efficient LED technology, the energy requirement per light source has been reduced significantly. Large-scale consumers looking to save power on lighting can make substantial savings by switching from fluorescent tubes to LED line lighting. 

In general, a lot of power can be saved by switching to LED line lighting. Compared to standard fluorescent tubes, similar LED light sources consume 50% to 80% energy less power. The payback period of LED line lighting is therefore very short, about 2 years on average. 

For business owners with a lot of old fluorescent lighting, it is financially attractive to switch to the latest technology to replace LED fluorescent lighting, given these large savings. Even when using a first- or second-generation LED fluorescent tube, a lot of power can be saved by installing modern LED line lighting. 

D-Lighted's lighting team makes it possible to switch to modern LED line lighting in a more attractive way. With our Deetronix LED retrofit modules, it is possible to quickly convert large volumes of light sources to highly economical LED. Increase light output by up to 80%, while energy savings of up to 90% can be achieved per light source. Interested? Ask us (without any obligation) about the possibilities: 

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Average savings per light type 

LED line lighting consumes significantly less power than several commonly used types of light. Comparing the consumption of LED line lighting with an incandescent, halogen spotlight, energy-saving bulb, fluorescent tube, or HPS grow light, we see that substantial savings can be made. 

Switching from traditional lighting to LED line lighting is the logical financial choice in almost any situation. The potential savings per light source are therefore huge: 

Type of lamp Wattage (average) Average consumption (vs. LED line lighting) Estimated savings (per light source) 
Bulb 60 - 100 watts 10 to 20 times more power consumption 90 - 95% 
Halogen lamp 25 - 50 Watt 5 to 10 times more power consumption 85 - 90% 
Energy-saving light bulb (CFL) 10 - 20 watts 3 to 5 times more power consumption 65 - 80% 
Fluorescent tube 36 - 58 watts 1.5 to 1.8 times more power consumption 20 - 30% 
HPS grow light 400 - 1000 Watt 2 to 4 times more power consumption 50 - 80% 

Those looking to get started with the Deetronix LED retrofit modules are thus expected to save up to 30% of energy per individual light source. The retro LED modules offered at D-Lighted are specifically designed for the voltage rail that is also used for fluorescent tubes and LED fluorescent lighting. 

Why switch to LED technology? 

Besides the possibility of saving large amounts of energy, it is interesting to choose modern LED line lighting for several other reasons. D-Lighted customers mainly choose economical LED line lighting modules for the following reasons, among others: 

  • Improved light quality: Those who opt for LED line lighting go for bright, evenly distributed light of high quality and a pleasant colour temperature. There is also never again any annoying flickering or long lighting start-up times. 
  • Higher light output: Achieve up to 80% more light output per individual light source. As a result, fewer lamps are ultimately needed and more light can be produced with a smaller lighting investment. 
  • Longer lifespan: On average, LED light lines last about 50,000 hours, compared to 10,000 hours for fluorescent tube lighting, for example. If the LED driver is replaced in time (this is available separately from D-Lighted), the modules themselves can last 100,000 hours without any problems. LED lighting therefore lasts 5 to 10 times longer than fluorescent tubes. As a result, light sources need to be replaced less often, which saves a considerable amount in investment and labour costs. 
  • More safety: LED light lines produce no heat at all, making them safer from a fire safety point of view. It will also reduce the impact of lighting on the indoor environment. Also, the higher light output of LED line lighting can make a real contribution to reducing workplace accidents. 
  • Suitable for smart sensors: Unlike older forms of lighting, LED light lines are fully capable of using smart sensors. Think of using motion sensors, LED dimmers, or daylight sensors, for example. Deetronix retro LED modules come standard with a sensor base, onto which a sensor can easily be screwed. The installation can thus be fitted with sensors without any electrical modifications. which can achieve additional energy savings of up to 70%. 
  • Easy tuning: With LED line lighting, it is easy to choose the appropriate light colour and brightness for the specific function of the room. In this, the flexibility is much greater than older, existing forms of task lighting. Deetronix modules make use of a simple DIP switch, where both the light colour (3000K, 4000K, or 5000K) and power (45 to 75 Watts) can be set as required. 
  • Recyclable: LED light sources can simply be disposed of with residual waste. LED lighting does not have to be recycled separately in chemical waste. This is because LED lighting does not contain toxic mercury, which is the case with fluorescent tubes or energy-saving bulbs, for example. 
  • Reuse of existing light lines: By using Deetronix retrofit light line modules, it becomes possible to use the existing infrastructure of the current lighting once more. This immediately makes switching to LED line lighting a good deal more accessible, as well as environmentally friendly. Anyone who reuses existing voltage rail takes a step in the right direction towards a sustainable, circular economy. 

Save even more with LED line lighting 

Those who switch to modern LED line lighting can immediately save quite a bit. But why stop there, if the energy consumption costs can be halved after this? 

Integrating smart saving methods such as a daylight sensor, makes it possible to dynamically adjust brightness according to need. In addition, it is possible to adjust light sources according to use, by opting for motion sensors. A light programme with timer can also be set, allowing lights to be switched on and off at specific times. 

Using less power quickly becomes a lot easier with handy bits of technology like this. But D-Lighted goes one step further in terms of sustainable light use. This is because we use a process called retrofitting for our Deetronix light module. 

Retrofitting makes it possible to reuse the existing voltage rail, in which the old fluorescent or LED fluorescent luminaires are fixed. This makes both the investment and the payback time of the new LED line lighting many times lower. 

Even with Deetronix lighting modules, it is of course possible to get started with economy measures such as smart lighting sensors. Our Deetronix retrofit modules are optionally available dimmable. In addition, the light modules can be switched for light sensors, detection sensors, or time switches, for example. 

Saving energy smartly with D-Lighted's Deetronix 

Large-scale consumers who want to switch to modern LED lighting in a smart, sustainable way can save a lot of money. Not only in terms of power consumption, but also by simply making a smaller initial investment. 

With Deetronix LED retrofit light modules, it is again low cost for business owners and public organisations to switch to economical lighting in these expensive times. While retaining the existing voltage rails and luminaires, it is now possible to switch to highly economical Deetronix LED light lines without any problems. 

Also realise energy savings on lighting up to 90%? D-Lighted's lighting team is ready to deliver the solution. Contact us today (no obligation) for more information around our innovative Deetronix LED light line modules: 

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